Casablanca Fan Company Outdoor Ceiling Fan c12d4301 User Manual |
Cottage Wet owner’s Manual
Read and Save TheSe InSTRucTIonS!
Safety and the proper operation of your Casablanca fan both require a thorough knowledge of the product and proper
installation; therefore, before attempting to install and operate your Casablanca fan, read this owner’s manual completely and
carefully. Retain this manual for future reference.
Caution: to avoid possible electrical shock, make certain that electricity is turned off at the circuit breaker or fuse box
before attempting any installation procedure.
intRoduCtion ..............................................................................................................................................................2
Before You Start ..................................................................................................................................................................2
Safe use...............................................................................................................................................................................2
MountinG RECoMMEndationS ..........................................................................................................................3
General Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................3
Sloped Ceiling installations ................................................................................................................................................3
fan inStallation........................................................................................................................................................4
fan Preparation...................................................................................................................................................................4
Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Ceiling Hardware................................................................................................................................................................5
Canopy Gasket Preparation.................................................................................................................................................5
Crossbar Mounting Bracket installation.............................................................................................................................5
Canopy installation.............................................................................................................................................................6
Hanging the fan .................................................................................................................................................................6
Canopy Electrical Connections...........................................................................................................................................7
Canopy Hatch installation..................................................................................................................................................7
Remove dummy Switch Housing and Shipping Blocks ....................................................................................................8
Blade Badge installation......................................................................................................................................................8
Blade Badge and Blade Holder installation ........................................................................................................................9
Switch Housing installation................................................................................................................................................9
3-Speed • Operation..........................................................................................................................................................11
3-Speed • Optional Light Fixture Installation...................................................................................................................11
tRouBlESHootinG tiPS .........................................................................................................................................12
CaRE RECoMMEndationS .....................................................................................................................................13
PRoduCt SPECifiCationS......................................................................................................................................13
c12d4301 aT1008
Co t t a g e We t
MounTInG RecoMMendaTIonS
GeneRal GuIdelIneS
Before mounting your Casablanca fan, read the following helpful recommendations. e location of the fan, air circulation,
and fan size are all important factors to consider before installation.
Ceiling fans have practical uses in almost every room in your home.We suggest
you follow these mounting recommendations as you decide where to install
your Casablanca fan.
• For safety reasons, the fan blades must be a minimum of 7’ above the floor.
• Do not locate the fan in a doorway or above a swinging door.
• In bedrooms, fans work best when mounted above the foot of the bed.
• Over pool tables, be sure to provide plenty of clearance to avoid damage from
pool cues.
• Do not install a fan close to or over a pool or spa. High humidity combined
with corrosive gases will destroy the finish and warp the blades.
fan Size
Variable fan speed capability permits the use of a full-size 52” fan even in smaller rooms. For very large rooms, two fans may
be needed.
Sloped ceIlInG InSTallaTIonS
angle 32º
SuGGeSTed exTenSIon pole lenGThS
Ceiling Height
Pole Length
8’ 0”
8’ 6”
9’ 0”
9’ 6”
10’ 0”
11’ 0”
12’ 0”
13’ 0”
14’ 0”
Blades must be a
minimum of 7 feet
above the floor
7’ minimum
When to use Extension Poles
for optimum performance and appearance, an extension
pole should be used with your Casablanca fan when
installing on high (cathedral) ceilings or sloped ceilings.
Casablanca offers standard poles in increments of 6” up
to 5’. Custom poles are available in lengths up to 9’9”. See
your authorized Casablanca dealer for details.
This slope is less than 32º.
It is OK to install your fan.
notE:fan may wobble or vibrate if pole length is not long
enough and inside blade is too close to downslope or side
wall. Extending pole length will usually solve problem.
This slope is 32º. This is the maximum
slope that will allow the fan to hang
straight down. It is OK to install your fan.
Calculation of Ceiling angle
use the tear-off Ceiling AngleTemplate card inserted in this
manual. It provides you with a simple “go” or “no-go” for
installing your fan on a sloped ceiling.
This slope is more than 32º. Your fan will not
hang straight down, an adaptor is necessary.
Contact your local Authorized Casablanca
Dealer in regards to purchasing a “Sloped
Ceiling Adaptor.”
Fan InSTallaTIon
Fan pRepaRaTIon
Perma•Lock™ Hardware (not to scale)
Perma•Lock™ downrod
and Ball assembly
downrod Gasket
motor wires
(leave at least 6” long)
iMPoRtant SafEtY infoRMation:
Before starting the installation of your ceiling
fan, install the threaded downrod into the motor
coupling and lock the assembly.
Ground wire
Perma•Lock™ downrod
and Ball assembly
Prepare for fan installation as follows:
Step 1a.using the provided allen wrench (attached to the
paper motor warning shield), loosen the allen set screw
attached to the motor coupling.
Step 1b. Slide the downrod gasket onto the downrod as
shown, pushing the gasket so that it is snug with the ball
of the downrod.
downrod Gasket
Tapered thread
Set Screw
Step 1c.Route the wires from the motor housing assembly
through the Perma•Lock downrod and ball assembly.
Keep all wires on one side of the pin in the ball. Insert
the downrod into the motor coupling and turn it clockwise
until it stops turning and 2 to 3 threads are still visible.
tiP: e downrod has a tapered thread that is designed
to lock completely when installed correctly.
Motor housing
Step 1d. tighten the set screw with the allen wrench to
ensure safe operation of your fan. if it is tight enough, you
should not be able to turn the downrod counterclockwise
with your hands.if in doubt,tighten the set screw with the
allen wrench until you cannot turn it any further.
paper Shield
Step 1e. Remove the paper shield from the motor.
Step 1f.Slide the downrod gasket down so that it fits snugly
against the motor casing as shown.
↑ ↑
Caution: failure to fully lock in the downrod
before securely tightening the allen set screw may
cause the fan to separate from the downrod and
fall during normal operation.
Co t t a g e We t
installing a new Ceiling fixture outlet Box
if you do not have an existing fixture located where you wish
to place your Casablanca fan, an approved ceiling fixture
outlet box must be installed and wired.
using Existing Ceiling fixture outlet Box
after turning the power off at its source (either the circuit
breaker or fuse box), lower the old fixture and disconnect
the wiring. Check the ceiling fixture outlet box to be sure
it is marked “Approved for Ceiling Fan Mounting.”If it is
not, a new box must be installed.
to reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or
personal injury, mount to outlet box marked
“acceptable fan Support of 22.7 kg (50 lbs.) or
less” using the mounting hardware provided with
the outlet box.
NOTE: e weight of this fan is 18 pounds.
ceiLinG Hardware
ceiLinG Hardware (not to scale)
wire nut (4)
hanging plate
Screw pack a:
2 1/4” x 8-32 roundhead Screw and washer (2)
1” x 8-32 roundhead Screw and washer (2)
canopy Gasket
crossbar Mounting Bracket
canoPy GaSket PreParation
Step 2. fit the hanging plate into the canopy gasket as
shown. Make sure that the four holes of the hanging
plate align with the four indentations on the inside of
the gasket.
Screw hole
croSSbar mountinG bracket inStaLLation
Proceed with installation as follows:
Step 3.Route the wires from the ceiling outlet box through
the center hole of the canopy gasket and hanging plate and
then the crossbar mounting bracket center hole.
ceiling Fan
outlet Box
Push the mounting hardware included with the outlet
box through the rubber canopy gasket so that the screws
align with the threaded holes of the ceiling fan approved
outlet box.
using the screwdriver, tighten the screws firmly by hand
only, being careful not to bend the bracket by over-
Gasket &
to reduce the risk of personal injury, use only the
mounting hardware provided with the approved
outlet box to install the crossbar mounting
outlet Box
Ground wire
canopY InSTallaTIon
canoPy Hardware (not to scale)
Screw pack B:
canopy Screws and
washers (5)
canopy hatch
Step 4.attach the canopy to the crossbar mounting bracket
canopy Gasket, hang-
ing plate, & crossbar
Mounting Bracket
with three of the 8-32 x 2 / ” long canopy screws (Screw
Pack B) and lock washers provided with your Casablanca
fan. tighten using the provided screwdriver until snug
against the ceiling.
notE: on sloped ceilings,align the canopy opening with
the top or peak of the room.
Feed outlet box
wires through
canopy opening
canopy lock
hanGInGThe Fan
Step hang the motor housing assembly in the canopy,
hold the motor housing assembly firmly and insert the ball
into the canopy opening.Check that no wires are pinched.
Rotate the motor housing assembly until the slot in the ball
fits into the pin opposite the canopy opening.
Step 5b.trim excess motor wires, leaving at least 6 inches
above the downrod.Strip / -inch insulation from the end
of each wire using a wire stripper (available at your local
hardware store).
Co t t a g e We t
canopY elecTRIcal connecTIonS
Step 6.attach the fan wires to the ceiling fixture outlet box
wiring by placing the bare ends of the wires side by side and
then securing with a wire nut. test that the connection is
secure by pulling on the wire nut. Connect in this order:
• GREEN leads from mounting plate and downrod
assembly of fan to GRound conductor of power source
(ceiling outlet box). Secure with wire nut.
2 black wires
(power) &
1 blue wire
• WHITE wire from fan to white NEUTRAL wire in
ceiling fixture outlet box. Secure with wire nut.
• BLACK power wire and BLUE wire from fan to black
PoWER wire in ceiling outlet box. Secure with wire
3 Green
after making the wire connections, the wires should be
spread apart with the neutral (white) wire and ground
(green) wire on one side of the canopy and the power (black
and blue) wires on the other side.
wire nut
notE: if the color of your ceiling wires differs from that
described, consult an electrician.
canopY haTch InSTallaTIon
Step 7a.tuck the wires into the canopy and turn the wires
upward and push them carefully back through the ceiling
plate into the outlet box.
Step 7b.install the canopy hatch with the canopy screw and
lock washer (Screw Pack B) using the provided screwdriver.
to do this, tilt the motor housing assembly away from the
hatch opening.tighten the screws firmly.
Step 7c. Straighten the fan, then check to ensure there is
no movement between the canopy and the ceiling or the
Perma•Lock downrod and the ball assembly.
remove dummy SwitcH HouSinG and SHiPPinG bLockS
Step reach the blade holder mounting holes in the fan
motor, the dummy switch housing must be removed.
Take out the two 5/32-32 x 3/8” screws securing the
dummy switch housing as shown.Put the two screws aside
for the moment.ey will be used in Step 13a to install the
switch housing after the blades are installed. e dummy
switch housing is used only when shipping the fan.
tiP: Rotate the motor beneath the switch housing plate
dummy Switch
to access the shipping block screws through the hole in the
switch housing plate.
Step 9. unscrew and remove the five shipping blocks.
Retain the five screws for use in Step 11b to install the
blade/blade holder assembly.You can discard the shipping
blocks. e shipping blocks are only used when shipping
the fan.
Retain the five screws removed in Step 9 for use
hole in Switch
housing plate
in Step 11b.
Blade BadGe InSTallaTIon
bLade Hardware (not to scale)
Screw pack c:
Blade Badge Screws (21) Blade holder Screws (6)
Screw pack d:
Medallion nails (20)
blade badge (5)
blade Holder (5)
attach Blade Holders
Step 10.using Screw Pack C and the provided screwdriver,
carefully align the Medallion nail on the front of the blade
badge and install the screw.NOTE:e front of the blade
badge is the side with the beadboard.tighten securely by
hand.Repeat three more times per blade badge.and repeat
for each blade badge.(Check installation to make sure that
the Medallion nails are aligned straight.)
do not use electric screwdriver to tighten blade
screws. Hand tighten using a manual screwdriver
Front of Blade
Co t t a g e We t
Blade BadGe and Blade holdeR InSTallaTIon
Step 11a.Carefully tilt the blade holder between the switch
housing motor plate and the motor, as shown.
tiP: Rotate the motor beneath the switch housing plate
to attach the blade/blade holder assembly.
Step 11b.using the screws from Screw Pack d,the screws
removed in Step 9, and the screwdriver provided, attach
the blade/blade holder assembly to the motor. tighten
securely by hand only.
Step 11c. after all blade holders are installed, install the
gasket into the switch housing mounting plate.e smooth
side of the gasket should face the fan motor.
Handle the gasket carefully to avoid tearing.
Switch hous-
ing Gasket
tiP: for balancing purposes, loosely install all five blades
to the motor before tightening the blade screws securely.
Blade screws must be tightened securely before
operating the fan.
SwitcH HouSinG inStaLLation
Step 12. locate the switch housing cap assembly and
remove the two 8-32 x 3/8” screws holding the cap onto
the switch housing. Remove the cap and gasket.
notE: Save the two screws — they will be used in Step
SwitcH HouSinG inStaLLation (continued)
install the Switch Housing Mounting Screws
Step 13a. locate the two dummy switch housing screws
you removed in Step 8. install them onto the motor as
shown, leaving approximately 1/8” of the threads exposed
for installation of the switch housing.
if you are installing an optional light fixture at this
time, proceed to Step 6 of oPtional liGHt
fiXtuRE inStallation on page 11 now.
Step 13b. Connect the plug connector from the motor to
the plug connector from the switch housing assembly.
Both plug connectors are polarized and will only
fit together one way. Make sure the connectors are
properly aligned before connecting them. incorrect
connections could cause improper operation and
damage to the product.
Step 13c. line up the two keyholes in the switch housing
cup with the two screws installed in Step 13a.
Step 13d. Rotate the cup so that the screws are aligned
with the smaller side of the keyholes. tighten the screws
securely by hand only.
install the Switch Housing Cap
Guide pin
notE: Before re-installing the cap, the gasket must be
put on the cap so that the larger gasket holes go over the
alignment pins.
Step 14. line up the two guide pins in the cap with the
two alignment holes of the switch housing. NOTE: e
alignment holes are the larger, non-threaded holes in the
raised rim of the switch housing. Press the cap onto the
switch housing to seat the guide pins into the alignment
holes of the switch housing.
Step 15. Re-install the two screws removed in Step 12 to
tighten the switch housing cap and switch housing.
Step 16.attach a fandangle to each of the pull chains using
the breakaway connectors.
Co t t a g e We t
3-SPeed • oPeration
using the blade rotation (reversing) pull-chain switch:
Pull-chain switches on the fan control the fan and blade
Blade rotation controls the airflow direction. Each pull of
the pull-chain switch toggles the blade rotation.
using the fan control pull-chain switch:
fan off at start.
• First pull: fan on, low speed
• Second pull: medium speed
• ird pull: high speed
notE: Ceiling fans work best by blowing air downward
(counterclockwise blade rotation) in warm weather to cool
the room with a direct breeze. in cold weather, having
the fan draw air upward (clockwise blade rotation) will
distribute the warmer air trapped at the ceiling around the
room without causing a draft.
• Fourth pull: fan off
3-SPeed • oPtionaL LiGHt Fixture inStaLLation
if you are installing a light kit to an existing fan, follow all
11.Connect the WHitE wire from the switch housing to
the WHitE wire from the light kit. Secure the splice
with a wire nut.
instructions below.
if you are installing the light kit with the fan, skip
Steps 1-5.
notE: if a separate circuit is used to control the lights
from a wall control, the BluE d1-option wire in the
canopy should be connected to that switch leg with the
BLACK fan power wire.
1. Remove the switch housing cap by loosening the two
8-32 screws that attach it to the switch housing.
2. loosen the screws securing the switch housing to the
motor.notE:You do not need to remove these screws,
just loosen them enough to turn the housing.
Return to Steps 13b-15 (SWitCH HouSinG
inStallation) to attach (or re-attach) the switch
housing to the motor assembly. Refer to your light kit
instructions to assemble and attach the rest of your light
kit correctly.
3. Rotate the switch housing so that the screws are aligned
with the larger side of the keyholes.
4. Pull the switch housing away from the motor
5. disconnect the switch housing plug connector from the
motor plug connector by pressing down on the handle
of the small clasp and pulling apart.
6. Remove the plug from the switch housing.
7. install the pull-chain switch as follows:
Remove the collar from the switch
read the pull chain through the hole in the switch
Place the switch so that the neck protrudes from
the hole
read the collar back over the chain and hand-
tighten the collar on the neck of the switch
8. read the two wires from the light kit through the
Switch hous-
ing plug
hole in the center of the switch housing.
9. Connect one wire from the pull-chain switch to the
BluE d1-option wire. Secure the splice with a wire
10.Connect the other wire from the pull-chain switch to
the BLACK wire from the light kit. Secure the splice
with a wire nut.
light Fixture
Please refer to this troubleshooting guide before requesting service or contacting your dealer for assistance.
poSSIBle ReMedIeS
Fan will not start
• Check the main circuit fuses, circuit breakers, and wall switch position. Check all
wire connections. Make sure the power is turned off during this inspection.
• Check that reverse switch is not set in center of throw.
Fan wobbles or shakes excessively
• Be sure the canopy pin is set properly into the slot on the ball.
• Check that the bladeholders have not been bent during installation and the blades
are balanced.
• Screws for bladeholders to motor are tight.
• e hanger bracket and/or the ceiling outlet are attached too loosely. Make sure
the hanger bracket is attached tightly to the ceiling outlet box and the downrod
assembly is secured firmly.
• e downrod is attached to the downrod base too loosely.Make sure all the screws
are securely tightened.
• Screws for blades are tight.
Fan is noisy during operation
• Check and tighten the light fixture retaining screws, glass shade screws, and/or
• Tighten the canopy screws and mounting plate assembly. Make sure the wire nuts
inside the canopy and switch housing are not touching the metal parts and that
they have not fallen off the wire splices.tighten as necessary.
• Tighten the blade holders to the flywheel (or direct drive motor) and the blade to
the bladeholder screws.
• Make sure all the screws in the motor housing are snug but not overly tight.
• If fan is new, it may need to be “broken in.” Run at high speed for several days.
• e fan wires are not connected properly. Follow the instructions in Step 7.
• e light socket is broken. Replace the socket.
• A lightbulb is defective. Replace the lightbulb.
Fan does not run on low speed
Light works, but fan does not work
Fan works, but light does not work
fan will not operate at proper speeds
• Defective three-speed pull-chain switch assembly
or will not operate at any speed
• Defective capacitor;replace three-speed pull chain switch assembly or replace PCB
• Defective reverse switch
• Defective capacitor
fan runs slowly in either direction if
rotation is started by hand; will not reverse
• Open motor winding: replace reverse switch assembly, PCB assembly, or motor
Co t t a g e We t
caRe RecoMMendaTIonS
fan finishes
• For cleaning, a soft brush or lint-free cloth should be used to prevent scratching the finish.
• A vacuum cleaner brush nozzle can remove heavier dust.
• Surface smudges or an accumulation of dirt and dust can be removed easily using a mild detergent and slightly dampened
soft cloth. an antistatic agent may be used, but never use abrasive cleaning agents as these will damage the finish.
• Wood-finish blades should be cleaned with a furniture polishing cloth. Occasionally, a light coat of furniture polish may be
applied for added protection and beauty.
• For painted, high-gloss or plastic blades (ABS), surface smudges or an accumulation of dirt and dust can be removed easily
using a mild detergent and slightly dampened soft cloth. an antistatic agent may be used, but never use abrasive cleaning
agents as these will damage the finish.
no need for lubrication
• Never lubricate this fan! e precision motor at the heart of your Casablanca fan features sealed bearings that are lubricated
for life.
• Do not attempt to oil the motor.
Changing lightbulbs
• Be sure to turn the power to OFF at the wall switch or circuit breaker before changing lightbulbs.
• Replace bulbs with the same type as you removed from the light fixture.
• e maximum wattage rating for this fan’s light kit is 240 watts.
for questions or to locate the nearest Casablanca authorized Service Center call toll free: 1-888-227-2178
pRoducT SpecIFIcaTIonS
Model name:
Cottage Wet
188 x 20mm direct drive
Model number:
Blade Span:
Blade iron Pitch: 15°
A = 12”
no. of Blades:
B = 13”
C =
notE: dimension B
includes light fixture
and glass.
D = 13.3”
6,361 cfm
E = 5.6”
Electricity Use*:
Airflow Efficiency*:
85 watts
18 lbs.
77.3 cfm/watt
* Performance data is for fan only. no lighting wattage is included.
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