Network Adapter
Connect your desktop or notebook
computer to a wireless network
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Belkin Wireless B
USB Network Adapter (the Adapter). Now you can take advantage of
this new great technology. It gives you the freedom to roam within
your wireless range while connected to your home or office
network—and the Internet—without using cables. The Adapter works
like a conventional network adapter, to enable your computer to
access your network and share resources.
Our easy installation and setup will have you networking wirelessly
in minutes.
Please be sure to read carefully through this User Manual, and pay
special attention to the section entitled “Placement of your Wireless
Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on page 2. By
following our simple setup instructions, your Belkin Home Network will
allow you to:
Share one high-speed Internet connection with all the computers
in your home
Share resources, such as files and hard drives among all the
connected computers in your home
Share a single printer with the entire family
Share documents, music, video, and digital pictures
Store, retrieve, and copy files from one computer to another
Simultaneously play games online, check Internet e-mail, and chat
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin
Wireless Network:
Mobility—you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer
room”—now you can work on a networked laptop or desktop
computer anywhere within your wireless range
Easy installation—Belkin Easy Installation Wizard makes
setup simple
Flexibility—set up and access printers, computers, and other
networking devices from anywhere in your home
Easy expansion—the wide range of Belkin networking products
let you expand your network to include devices such as printers
and gaming consoles
No cabling required—you can spare the expense and hassle of
retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
Widespread industry acceptance – choose from a wide range of
interoperable networking products
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for
Optimal Performance
Your wireless connection will be stronger the closer your computer is
to your Router or Access Point. Typical indoor operating range for your
wireless devices is between 100 to 200 feet. In the same way, your wireless
connection and performance will degrade somewhat as the distance between
your Wireless Router or Access Point connected devices increases. This
may or may not be noticeable to you. As you move further from your Router
or Access Point, connection speed may decrease. Factors that can weaken
signals simply by getting in the way of your network’s radio waves are metal
appliances or obstructions, and walls.
To test whether performance issues are related to range or obstruction
factors, try moving the computer to a position between five and ten feet from
the Router. If difficulties persist even at close range, please contact Belkin
Technical Support.
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
While some of the factors suggested below can affect network performance
negatively, they will not prohibit your wireless network from functioning. In
fact, you may not notice any problem at all. If you are concerned that your
network is not operating at its maximum effectiveness, this checklist
may help.
1. Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware
Place your Wireless Router, the central connection point of your
network, as close as possible to the center of your wireless
networking devices.
To achieve the best connection for your “wireless clients” (computers
enabled by Wireless Notebook Network Cards, Wireless Desktop
Network Cards, and Wireless USB Adapters):
Ensure that your Wireless Router’s or AP’s networking antennas
are parallel to each other, and positioned vertically (pointing
toward the ceiling). If your Wireless Router is positioned vertically,
point the antennas a much as possible in an upward direction.
In multistory homes, place the Wireless Router or AP on a floor
that is as close to the center of the home as possible. This may
mean placing it on an upper floor.
Try not to place the Wireless Router or AP near a cordless
2.4GHz phone.
2. Avoid obstacles and possible sources of interference
Avoid placing your Wireless Router or Access Point near devices that
may emit radio “noise”, such as microwave ovens. Dense objects that
can inhibit wireless communication include:
Washers and/or dryers
Metal cabinets
Large aquariums
Metallic-based UV tinted windows
If your wireless signal seems weak in some spots, make sure that
such objects are not blocking the signal’s path (between your
computers and Wireless Router or Access Point).
3. Cordless phones
If the performance of your wireless network is impaired after attending
to the above issues, and you have a cordless phone:
Try moving cordless phones away from Wireless Routers or
Access Points and your wireless-enabled computers.
Unplug and remove the battery from any cordless phone
that operates on the 2.4GHz band (check the manufacturer’s
information). If this fixes the problem, your phone is
probably interfering.
If your phone supports channel selection, change the channel
on the phone to the farthest channel from your wireless network,
as possible. For example, change the phone to channel 1 and
move your Wireless Router to channel 11. See your phone’s user
manual for detailed instructions.
If necessary, consider switching to a 900MHz or 5GHz
cordless phone.
4. Choose the “quietest” channel for your wireless network.
In locations where homes or offices are close together, such as
apartment buildings or office complexes, there may be wireless
networks nearby that can conflict with yours. Use the Site Survey
capabilities of your Wireless LAN Utility to locate any other wireless
networks (see page 15 of this User Manual), and move your Wireless
Router and computers to a channel as far away from other networks
as possible.
Experiment with more than one of the available channels in order to
find the clearest connection and avoid interference from neighboring
cordless phones or other wireless devices.
For non-Belkin wireless networking products, use the detailed Site
Survey and wireless channel information included in your
User Manual.
5. Secure connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connections are connections that typically require a user name
and password, and are used where security is important. Secure
connections include:
Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections, often used to connect
remotely to an office network
The “Bring Your Own Access” program from America Online (AOL),
which lets you use AOL through broadband provided by another cable
or DSL service
Most online banking websites
Many commercial websites that require a user name and password to
access your account
Secure connections can be interrupted by a computer’s power
management setting, which causes it to “go to sleep.” The simplest
solution to avoid this is to reconnect by re-running the VPN or AOL
software, or by re-logging into the secure website.
A second alternative is to change your computer’s power
management settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may
not be appropriate for portable computers. To change your power
management setting under Windows, see the “Power Options” item in
the Control Panel.
If you continue to have difficulty with Secure Connection, VPNs, and
AOL, please review steps 1-4 above to be sure you have addressed
these issues.
These guidelines should allow you to cover the maximum possible area with
your Wireless Router. Should you need to cover an even wider area, we
suggest Belkin’s Wireless Range Extender/Access Point. For more information
Product Features
The Adapter complies with the IEEE 802.11b standard in order to
communicate with other 802.11b-compliant wireless devices.
2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Science, and Medical) band operation
Wireless compliance with the IEEE 802.11b standard
USB interface
64- or 128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
Wireless access to networked resources
Support for both Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc (peer-to-peer) networking
Data rate of up to 11Mbps
Supports 11, 5.5, 2, or 1Mbps rates (auto-rollback)
Easy installation and use
LED Link indicator
Applications and Advantages
Wireless roaming with a computer around the home or office
Offers the freedom of networking—without cables.
Difficult-to-wire environments
Enables networking in buildings with solid or finished walls, or open
areas where wiring is difficult to install.
Frequently changing environments
Adapts easily in offices or environments that frequently rearrange or
change locations.
Temporary LANs for special projects or peak time
Sets up temporary networks such as at trade shows, exhibitions, and
construction sites, which need networks on a short-term basis; also
companies who need additional workstations for a peak activity period.
SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) networking needs
Provides the easy and quick small network installation SOHO
users need.
Product Specifications
Host Interface:
USB 1.1
Power Consumption:
Tx: 330mA, Rx: 230mA
FCC Class B, CE Mark, C-Tick
32–131° F (0–55° C)
Operating Temperature:
Storage Temperature:
-13–158° F (-25–70° C)
System Requirements
PC-compatible desktop or laptop with one available USB slot
Windows® 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP
Package Contents
Belkin Wireless B USB Network Adapter
Desktop Stand with 5 ft. USB Cable
Quick Installation Guide
Installation Software CD
User Manual
Knowing Your Wireless B USB Network Adapter
Off: Adapter turned off
(b) Link LED (Green)
Blinking Slowly: Not linked to a wireless network
Blinking Rapidly: Transferring data across a wireless network
(c) Desktop Stand
Allows you to position your adapter for optimal wireless performance
(use is optional)
(d) USB Cable
Connects to an available USB port on your desktop or notebook computers
Knowing Your Wireless B USB Network Adapter
You can install your Adapter in three easy steps.
1. Install the software FIRST. If you plug your Adapter into your computer
before you install the software, it will not work until you install
the software.
2. Plug the Adapter into your computer.
3. Let Windows finish installing the Adapter.
Step 1: Software and Driver Installation
1.1 Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
1.2 The Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter Setup Utility screen will
automatically appear. If it does not appear within 15-20 seconds, then
select your CD-ROM drive and double-click on the folder named “Files”.
Next, double-click on the icon named “start.exe”.
1.3 In the menu window, drag your mouse over the “Install” button then
select “Click here” to start the software installation program.
Installing The Adapter
1.4 Next, you will see an introduction
screen. Click “Next” to continue with
the installation of the Adapter.
1.5 If you are using Windows 2000 or
Windows XP, you may see a screen
similar to the one below. This DOES
NOT mean there is a problem. Select
“Continue Anyway”.
1.6 When the software installation is
complete, you will see a screen
prompting you to finish. Click “Finish”.
Note to Windows 98SE or Me users: You may be asked to restart the
computer. Let the computer restart before going to the next step.
Installing The Adapter
Step 2: Plug the Adapter into your Computer
2.1 If your computer did not need to
restart, the message “You can plug in
your Belkin USB WLAN adapter now”
will appear.
2.2 With your computer ON, insert the
Adapter into a free USB port on
your computer.
Step 3: Let Windows Finish the Installation
3.1 After inserting your Adapter, Windows
will detect that new hardware has
been installed. Depending on which
version of Windows you are using, a
window similar to the one pictured
below will appear. Select the option
that will automatically install the
software and Click “Next”.
Note to Windows 98SE users: Windows may ask you to insert the
Windows 98SE CD. If you don’t have the CD, you need to obtain one.
3.2 If you are using Windows 2000
or Windows XP, you may see a
screen similar to the one to the left.
This DOES NOT mean there is a
problem. Select “Continue Anyway”.
Installing The Adapter
3.3 When the installation is complete,
you will see a screen prompting you
to finish. Click “Finish”.
Note to Windows 98SE or Me users: You may be asked to restart the
computer. Let the computer restart before going to the next step.
3.4 When the installation is complete
or your computer has restarted, the
Belkin Wireless Network Monitor
Utility icon will appear on your
desktop. To open the Monitor
Utility, double-click on this icon. For
information about using the Utility,
see the next section in this manual.
3.5 A small icon in your system tray
(bottom right corner of most screens)
will also appear. This is your shortcut
to the Belkin Wireless Network
Monitor Utility. It also indicates the
status of your connection:
Green: Connected to a
wireless network
Red: No connection to a
wireless network.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
The Wireless Network Monitor Utility is a central point on your computer that
allows you to control your Wireless B USB Network Adapter. Here is a list of
the things you can do using the Utility:
Choose the wireless network you want to connect to
See a list of all available networks in the area
See information about the networks in the area that are available to you
Store profiles for each network that you connect to
Set power-saving options
Enable/disable the Adapter’s radio
Select the default view you will use to connect to your networks
View and refresh the Adapter’s network IP information
Opening the Wireless Network Monitor Utility
After you have installed the Adapter and the Utility, you will see an
icon in the lower right corner of your screen (near the clock).
This is called the system tray icon. The icon will be green when your
Adapter is connected to a network and it will be red when there is
no connection to a wireless network. After installation, the Adapter
will connect to your wireless network automatically. Double-clicking
on the system tray icon will open the Utility. Also, the installation
software placed a shortcut icon on your desktop. Double-clicking this
shortcut will open the Utility.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Note to Windows XP users: If you are using Windows XP, please read
this section first.
Windows XP integrates a wireless management utility referred to as
Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration service (WZC). The WZC can
be used to control your Adapter. You can also use the Belkin Wireless
Network Monitor Utility. We suggest that you use the Belkin Utility to
control your Adapter. In order to avoid conflicts between the utilities, we
recommend disabling the Windows XP Wireless Zero Confirmation Service.
Disabling the Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration Service (WZC)
1. Right-click on the network status icon in the system tray and select the
“View Available Wireless Networks” window.
2. Click on the “Advanced” button in the lower left-hand corner of the “View
Available Wireless Networks” window.
3. On the Advanced tab, uncheck “Use Windows to Configure my Wireless
Network.” Once this box is unchecked, click “OK” to close the window.
You are now using the Belkin Wireless Utility to configure the Wireless Adapter.
If you choose to use the WZC, directions for operation are available in the
Windows XP help file. When you first install the Adapter, the Belkin Utility will
be enabled. If you want to disable the Belkin Utility in order to use the WZC,
follow the steps below to disable the Belkin Utility.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Disabling the Belkin Wireless Network Monitor Utility in
Windows XP
1. Right-click on the system tray icon.
2. Select “Use Windows to Configure my Wireless Connection”.
3. The Belkin Utility will disable itself and enable the WZC. This may
take up to 30 seconds.
Note: To re-enable the Belkin Utility, double-click on the desktop shortcut.
This will disable the WZC and enable the Belkin Utility. This may take up to
30 seconds.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Using the Belkin Utility (Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP)
When the Utility opens, you will see the Utility screen. The view will be of the
Configuration screen. This is the screen you will use most often to choose
and change networks.
(a) Navigation Buttons
Pressing these buttons will change the view
(b) Connect Button
Select a network from the Available Networks window and click to connect to
the network
(c) Refresh Button
Pressing this button will refresh the settings of the Adapter. The IP information
is displayed next to the button.
(d) Available Networks
Displays the available networks and their settings
(e) Update Button
Re-scans for more wireless networks in your area
(f) Connected to
Shows you the name and MAC address of the network you are currently
connected to
(g) Signal Strength
Shows you the signal strength (in real time) of the network you are currently
connected to
(h) Link Speed
The Adapter is operating at the speed indicated in this window
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Connecting to a Wireless Network
After you install your Adapter for the first time, it will connect to your
wireless network automatically. You should not have to do anything
further to connect to a network. To manually connect to a wireless
network, see the steps below.
1. Open the Utility by double-clicking on the icon in the system tray
or double-click on the desktop shortcut.
2. All networks in your area will be displayed in the “Available
Networks” window. Select the network that you want to connect
to by clicking the name (under the SSID column) of the network.
Once you have selected the network, click the “Connect” button.
Note: If the network that you are attempting to connect to is using
encryption, you will be prompted to enter the network key. If you
don’t know the key, you will need to obtain it from the system
administrator. Also, see the section of this manual called “Creating
and Using a Profile” on page 19 for advanced encryption
setup options.
3. The name of the network will appear in the “Connected to”
window and the Signal Strength indicator will show the network’s
signal strength. Your computer is now connected to the
wireless network.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Using the Quick Connect Screen
The Utility was designed to offer you two methods of connecting to a
wireless network. The Adapter ships with the Utility configured so you
can use the Configuration view to select a wireless network.
A second option allows you to choose to have the Utility open to the
Quick Connect screen. The Quick Connect screen (pictured below)
is a simplified window that shows you the names of the available
networks only, excluding other information like signal strength, MAC
address, network type, channel, etc.
(a) Available Networks
Displays the available networks and their settings
(b) Network Name (SSID)
This is the name of the wireless network
(c) Advanced Button
Click this button to go to the Advanced configuration window
(d) Connect Button
Select a network from the Available Networks window and click to
connect to the network
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
To access the Quick Connect screen,
right-click on the Utility icon in the
system tray.
In the menu that appears, select
“Use Quick Connect screen”.
After you have selected this option,
the next time you double-click on
the system tray icon
or the desktop shortcut to open
the Utility, the Quick Connect screen
will appear.
Connecting to a Network Using the Quick Connect Screen
When the Quick Connect screen appears, you will see all of the
available networks in the window. Select a network by clicking on the
name, then click the “Connect” button.
Note: If the network that you are attempting to connect to is using
encryption, you will be prompted to enter the network key. If you don’t
know the key, you will need to obtain it from the system administrator.
Also, see the section on the next page of this manual titled “Creating
and Using a Profile” for advanced encryption setup options.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Using the Profiles Manager View
Using profiles is a convenient way to quickly and easily connect
to networks if you travel between multiple wireless networks. For
example, your primary wireless network may be at home, but you
also use a wireless network at work. Each of these networks likely
has different settings. For instance, the network at your workplace
uses encryption, but the wireless network at home does not. Also,
each of these networks has a different name (or SSID). Trying to keep
track of these differences is made easier with the profile manager.
Every time you successfully connect to a network, the profile manager
will remember that network’s settings for use at a later time. This
means that after the first time you connect your computer to the
network at your workplace, you won’t have to re-enter the encryption
settings again. The profile manager will recognize the network and
automatically connect to it. You can also create custom profiles,
delete profiles, and edit profiles when needed.
Creating and Using a Profile
Profiles are automatically created when you connect to a network.
From the factory, Belkin has also created one profile called “Default”.
This is a special profile that will connect to the first wireless network
that the Adapter detects. You can remove this profile if you wish. If
you want to create the default profile again, simply create a profile
with the name “Default” and the SSID is “ANY” (all caps).
1. Open the Utility by
double-clicking on the
icon in the system tray.
2. Click the “Profiles” button.
You will see the
following screen.
3. Click “Add”. The following
screen will appear.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
4. Name the profile by typing in a name in the Profile Name field.
5. Type in the name of the wireless network in the Network Name
(SSID) field.
6. If the network you are going to be connecting to uses a wireless
router or Access Point (this is the most common configuration),
leave the box next to “This Network uses an Access Point”
checked. If it is a peer-to-peer (ad-hoc) network that you are
creating a profile for, check that box.
7. If the network uses encryption, select the type of encryption (64-bit
or 128-bit) by placing a check mark next to the type you need. For
more detailed information, go to “Securing your Wireless Network”
on page 23 of this manual.
8. Type in the network key for the network in the “Network Key”
field. If the network key is a hexadecimal key, check “Hex Key”.
If your key is in the form of a passphrase, check “Passphrase”.
Check the number of the key that you need to use. Most of
the time, this is “1”. Note: The network key and format are
determined by the network administrator. If you don’t have the
key, contact your administrator.
9. Click “Save” to save the profile.
Your profile will now appear in the profiles window. To use the profile,
select the profile by clicking on it, then press the “Use” button. The
Utility will switch to the Configuration view again. Your Adapter will
now be connected to the network specified in your profile.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Prioritizing your Profiles
You can change the priority of your profiles so the Utility will connect
to the first network in the profile priority list. This feature is useful if
you are in an area where you use more than one wireless network. Put
simply, the profile at the top of the list will be the first network that
the Utility automatically connects to. If the network at the top of the
priority list is not available (you are not near it) then the Utility will go
to the next profile in the list, and so on.
Advanced Options
Clicking on the “Advanced” button will take you to the Advanced
view. In the Advanced view you can do the following:
(a) Power Save Mode
Allows you to select the Power Save mode. Default is OFF.
(b) Default Ad-Hoc Channel
Allows you to select the default Ad-Hoc channel
(c) Show Icon in System Tray
Choose to display or NOT display the icon in the system tray
(d) Radio Off
Allows you to turn the radio (the Adapter) on or off
For more detailed information on these settings, go to the next page.
Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
Using Power Save Mode
Enabling Power Save will help reduce battery consumption on a
laptop by turning the Adapter or parts of the Adapter OFF after each
group of data is sent or received to or from the network. Enabling
this mode will decrease performance of the Adapter, but may greatly
enhance your battery life. Use this feature only if necessary. Minimum
Power Save mode will partially shut the Adapter off to reduce power
consumption, but the radio will still be on, ready to transmit or
receive. Maximum Power Save mode will completely shut the Adapter
down when there is no activity. When there is activity, the Adapter
will turn itself back on and begin transmitting or receiving data. This
introduces a short delay, but will save the most battery power on
your laptop.
Setting the Default Ad-Hoc Channel
You can select the channel you want the Adapter to operate in when
it is set for Ad-Hoc (peer-to-peer) mode. In an Ad-Hoc configuration,
one client initiates the connection by broadcasting its presence as an
Ad-Hoc client. The rest of the clients will connect to the initial client,
making the initial client’s channel the channel that all of the clients
will operate on. The default Ad-Hoc channel is 11.
Showing the Icon in System Tray
You can choose to display the Utility icon in the system tray. By
placing a check in the box, the icon will be displayed in the system
tray. Removing the check will remove the icon. When there is no icon
in the system tray, you can access the Utility by using the
desktop shortcut.
Turning the Radio Off
You can manually turn the radio off by placing a check in the box.
This will disable the Adapter until you turn it back on.
Securing your Wireless Network
Securing your Wi-Fi Network
Here are a few different ways to maximize the security of your
wireless network and protect your data from unwanted intrusions. This
section is intended for the home, home office, and small office user.
At the time of publication, three encryption methods are available.
Encryption Methods:
64-bit Wired Equivalent
128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy
64-bit WEP
128-bit WEP
Static keys
Static keys
Encryption keys based on
Added security over 64-bit WEP
RC4 algorithm (typically 40- using a key length of 104 bits, plus
bit keys)
24 additional bits of
system-generated data
Life span
Securing your Wireless Network
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a common protocol that adds
security to all Wi-Fi-compliant wireless products. WEP gives wireless
networks the equivalent level of privacy protection as a comparable
wired network.
64-Bit WEP
64-bit WEP was first introduced with 64-bit encryption, which includes
a key length of 40 bits plus 24 additional bits of system-generated
data (64 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers refer to 64-bit
as 40-bit encryption. Shortly after the technology was introduced,
researchers found that 64-bit encryption was too easy
to decode.
128-Bit WEP
As a result of 64-bit WEP’s potential security weaknesses, a more
secure method of 128-bit encryption was developed. 128-bit
encryption includes a key length of 104 bits plus 24 additional bits of
system-generated data (128 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers
refer to 128-bit as 104-bit encryption.
Most of the new wireless equipment in the market today supports
both 64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption, but you might have older
equipment that only supports 64-bit WEP. All Belkin wireless products
will support both 64-bit and 128-bit WEP.
Encryption Keys
After selecting either the 64-bit or 128-bit WEP encryption mode, it is
critical that you generate an encryption key. If the encryption key is
not consistent throughout the entire wireless network, your wireless
networking devices will be unable to communicate with one another.
You can enter your key by typing in the hex key manually, or you can
type a passphrase into the “Passphrase” field and click “Generate”
to create a key. A hex (hexadecimal) key is a mixture of numbers and
Securing your Wireless Network
letters from A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you need to enter 10 hex
keys. For 128-bit WEP, you need to enter 26 hex keys.
For instance:
AF0F4BC3D4 = 64-bit WEP key
C3030FAF0F4BB2C3D44BC3D4E7 = 128-bit WEP key
The WEP passphrase is NOT the same as a WEP key. Your Adapter
uses this passphrase to generate your WEP keys, but different
hardware manufacturers might have different methods on generating
the keys. If you have multiple vendors’ equipment in your network,
the easiest thing to do is to use the hex WEP key from your wireless
router or access point and enter it manually into the hex WEP key
table in your Adapter’s configuration screen.
Securing your Wireless Network
Most Wi-Fi products ship with security turned off. So once you have
your network working, you need to activate WEP and make sure all
your wireless devices are sharing the same network key.
The card can not acces the network because it uses a different network key that the
one configured on the wireless router.
Network Key=
Wireless B USB
Network Adapter
Network Key=
Network Key=
Wireless G Router
Wireless B Notebook
Network Card
WRONG Password
Wireless B Desktop
Network Card
Setting Up your Wireless Router or Access Point to
Use Security
To start using security, you need to first enable WEP for your wireless
router or access point. For Belkin Wireless Routers and Access
Points, these security features can be configured by using the web-
based interface. (See your wireless router or access point manual for
directions on how to access the management interface.)
Securing your Wireless Network
Changing the Wireless Security Settings
The Belkin Wireless G Router and Access Point are equipped
with WEP encryption to secure your network. By default, wireless
security is disabled. To enable security, you will need to determine
which encryption method you want to use. To access the security
settings, click “Security” on the wireless section using the web-
based interface. (See your wireless router or access point manual for
directions on how to access the security settings.)
Securing your Wireless Network
WEP Setup
128-Bit WEP Encryption
1. Select “128-bit WEP” from the drop-down menu.
2. After selecting your WEP encryption mode, you can enter your
key manually by typing in the hex key manually, or you can type
in a passphrase in the “Passphrase” field and click “Generate” to
create a key.
A hex (hexadecimal) key is a mixture of numbers and letters from
A–F and 0–9. For 128-bit WEP, you need to enter 26 hex keys.
For instance:
C3030FAF0F4BB2C3D44BC3D4E7 = 128-bit WEP key
3. Click “Apply Changes” to finish. Encryption in the wireless router
or access point is now set. Each of the computers on your
wireless network will now need to be configured with the same
security settings.
WARNING: If you are using a wireless client to turn on the security
settings in your wireless router or access point, you will temporarily
lose your wireless connection until you activate security on your
wireless client.
Securing your Wireless Network
64-Bit WEP Encryption
1. Select “64-bit WEP” from the drop-down menu.
2. After selecting your WEP encryption mode, you can enter your
key by typing in the hex key manually, or you can type in a
passphrase in the “Passphrase” field and click “Generate” to
create a key.
A hex (hexadecimal) key is a mixture of numbers and letters from
A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you need to enter 10 hex keys.
For instance:
AF0F4BC3D4 = 64-bit WEP Key
3. Click “Apply Changes” to finish. Encryption in the wireless router
or access point is now set. Each of your computers on your
wireless network will now need to be configured with the same
security settings.
WARNING: If you are using a wireless client to turn on the security
settings in your Wireless Router or Access Point, you will temporarily
lose your wireless connection until you activate security on your
wireless client.
I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly
If you are unable to connect to the Internet from a wireless
computer, please check the following items:
1. Look at the lights on your Wireless Router. If you’re using a
Belkin Wireless Router, the lights should be as follows:
• The “Power” light should be on.
• The “Connected” light should be on, and not blinking.
• The “WAN” light should be either on or blinking.
If your Belkin Wireless Router’s lights have the above
characteristics, go to number 2 below.
If this is NOT the case, please contact Belkin technical support
If you are not using a Belkin router, consult that routers
manufacturers user guide.
2. Open your wireless utility software by clicking on the icon in
the system tray at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
If you’re using a Belkin wireless card, the tray icon should look
like this (the icon may be red or green):
3. The exact window that opens will vary depending on the model
of wireless card you have; however, any of the utilities should
have a list of “Available Networks”. Available networks are
wireless networks you can connect to.
If you are using a Belkin 802.11b router, “WLAN” is the default
name. If you are using a Belkin 802.11g router, the default name
should be “Belkin54g”. If using a non-Belkin router, please
consult your router manufacturers user manual for the
default name.
The name of your wireless network appears in
“Available Networks”
If the correct network name is listed in the “Available Networks”
list, please follow the steps below to connect wirelessly:
1. Click on the correct network name in the “Available Networks” list.
2. If the network has security (encryption) enabled, you will need to
enter the network key generated by your wireless router or access
point. For more information regarding security, see the page
entitled: “Creating and Using a Profile” pg. 19 of the user manual.
3. Within a few seconds, the tray icon in the lower left-hand
corner of your screen should turn green, indicating a
successful connection to the network.
If you are still unable to access the Internet after connecting to
the wireless network, please contact Belkin Technical Support
The name of your wireless network DOES NOT appear in
“Available Networks”
If the correct network name is not listed under “Available
Networks” in the wireless utility, please attempt the following
troubleshooting steps:
1. Temporarily move computer, if possible, to five to ten feet
from the Wireless Router or Access Point. Close the wireless
utility, and re-open it. If the correct network name now
appears under “Available Networks”, you may have a range
or interference problem. Please see the suggestions listed at
the section of this manual titled “Placement of your Wireless
Networking Hardware” page 2.
2. Using a computer that is connected to the Wireless Router or
Access Point via a network cable (as opposed to wirelessly),
ensure that “Broadcast SSID” is enabled. This setting is found on
the wireless “Channel and SSID” configuration page. For detailed
instructions on accessing this page and changing settings, please
see your Wireless Router or Access Point’s User Guide.
If you are still unable to access the Internet after completing
these steps, please contact Belkin Technical Support.
Installation CD-ROM does not start Setup Utility
If the CD-ROM does not start the Setup Utility automatically, it
could be that the computer is running other applications that are
interfering with the CD drive.
If the Setup Utility screen does not appear within 15-20 seconds,
open up your CD-ROM drive by double-clicking on the “My
Computer” icon. Next, double-click on the CD-ROM drive that the
Installation CD has been placed in to start the installation.
Power LED does not come ON; Adapter is not working
If the LED indicators are not ON, the problem may be that the
Adapter is not connected or installed properly.
Verify that the Adapter is plugged firmly into the USB slot of your
computer. Check to see that the drivers for the Card have been
installed. Right click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop.
Choose “Properties” and navigate to the “Device Manager” and
see if your USB device is listed without any errors. If an error is
indicated contact Belkin Technical Support.
Link LED is blinking slowly; Cannot connect to a wireless
network or the Internet
If your Adapter appears to be functioning properly, but you
cannot connect to a network or you have a red wireless icon
at the bottom of your screen, the problem may be that there is
a mismatch between the network name (SSID) settings in your
wireless network properties.
Check the SSID settings to see if they match. The SSID is
case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer must be
exactly the same in order for the Adapter to connect to the
Wireless Router or Access Point
Note: To check the SSID settings or look for an available
network, double-click the Signal Indicator icon to bring up the
“Wireless Networks” screen. Click “Add” if you do not see the
network you are trying to connect to and type in the SSID. For
more information about setting up a SSID please reference your
Wireless Router or Access Point manufacture’s user manual.
If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin
Technical Support.
Link LED is solid but cannot connect to the Internet
If you have a signal but can’t get online or obtain an IP address,
the problem may be that there is a mismatch between the
Encryption key settings in your computer and Wireless Router or
Access Point.
Check the WEP key settings to see if they match. The key is
case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer and Wireless
Router or Access Point must be exactly the same in order for the
Adapter to connect to the router. For more information about
encryption please see “Creating and Using a Profile” on page 19
of this manual.
If issues persist even at close range, please contact please
contact Belkin Technical Support.
Data transfer is sometimes slow
Wireless Technology is radio-based, which means connectivity
and the throughput performance between devices decreases
when the distance between devices increases. Other factors that
will cause signal degradation (metal is generally the worst culprit)
are obstructions such as walls and metal appliances. As a result,
the typical indoor range of your wireless devices will be between
100 to 200 feet. Note also that connection speed may decrease
as you move further from the Wireless Router or Access Point.
In order to determine if wireless issues are related to range, we
suggest temporarily moving the computer, if possible, to 5-10’
from router. Please see the section titled “Placement of your
Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on page
2 of this manual.
If issues persist even at close range, please contact please
contact Belkin Technical Support.
Signal strength is poor
Wireless Technology is radio-based, which means connectivity and
the throughput performance between devices decreases when
the distance between devices increases. Other factors that will
cause signal degradation (metal is generally the worst culprit) are
obstructions such as walls and metal appliances. As a result, the
typical indoor range of your wireless devices will be between 100
to 200 feet. Note also that connection speed may decrease as you
move further from the Router or Access Point. Please see the section
titled “Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal
Performance” on page 2 of this manual.
In order to determine if wireless issues are related to range, we
suggest temporarily moving the computer, if possible, to 5-10’
from router. Please see the section titled “Placement of your
Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on page
2 of this manual.
If issues persist even at close range, please contact please
contact Belkin Technical Support.
Why are there two wireless utilities in my system tray?
Which one do we use?
There are several features and advantages from using the Belkin
wireless utility over the Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration
(WZC) utility. We offer a site survey, detailed link information and
adapter diagnosis, to name a few.
It’s essential to know which utility is managing your adapter. We
recommend using the Belkin wireless utility.
To use the Belkin wireless utility follow the steps below:
Step 1 Right-click on the network status icon in the system tray
and select View Available Wireless Networks.
Step 2 Click on the Advanced button in the lower-left corner of
the Available Wireless Networks window.
Step 3 From the Advanced tab uncheck “Use Windows to
configure my wireless network”. Once the box is unchecked click
OK to close the Window.
You are now using the Belkin wireless utility to configure the
wireless adapter.
What’s the difference between 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11a?
Currently there are three levels of wireless networking standards,
which transmit data at very different maximum speeds. Each is based
on the designation 802.11(x), so named by the IEEE, the board that
is responsible for certifying networking standards. 802.11b transmits
information at 11Mbps; 802.11a and 802.11g work at 54Mbps. See
the following chart for more detailed information.
Wireless Comparison
2.4GHz —
2.4GHz -
unlicensed band,
may interfere
with common
household devices:
cordless phones
and microwave
unlicensed band,
may interfere with
common household
devices: cordless
phones and
5GHz - uncrowded
microwave ovens
Incompatible with
802.11b or
Compatible with
Compatible with
Depends on
Depends on
Less interference
— range is
typically 50–100 ft.
interference —
typically 100–200
ft. indoors
interference —
typically 100–200
ft. indoors
Slow adoption for
consumers — more
popular in business
Expected to
continue to grow in
Mature — widely
More expensive
Most expensive
support by phone, please call:
US: 877-736-5771
310-898-1100 x2263
Europe: 00 800 223 55 460
Australia: 1800 666 040
Belkin Corporation Limited Lifetime Product Warranty
Belkin Corporation warrants this product against defects in materials and
workmanship for its lifetime. If a defect is discovered, Belkin will, at its option,
repair or replace the product at no charge provided it is returned during the
warranty period, with transportation charges prepaid, to the authorized Belkin
dealer from whom you purchased the product. Proof of purchase may be
This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident,
abuse, misuse, or misapplication; if the product has been modified without
the written permission of Belkin; or if any Belkin serial number has been
removed or defaced.
No Belkin dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification,
extension, or addition to this warranty.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages or exclusions of implied warranties, so the above
limitations of exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state
to state.
FCC Statement
We, Belkin Corporation, of 501 West Walnut Street,
Compton, CA 90220, declare under our sole
responsibility that the product,
to which this declaration relates,
complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device
may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.
The radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio
frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such
manner that the potential for human contact normal operation is minimized.
When connecting an external antenna to the device, the antenna shall be
placed in such a manner to minimize the potential for human contact during
normal operation. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio
frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less
than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
Federal Communications Commission Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy.
If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications to
this device that are not expressly approved by Belkin Corporation may void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Canada-Industry Canada (IC)
The wireless radio of this device complies with RSS 139 & RSS 210 Industry
Canada. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B conforme á la norme NMB-003 du
Europe-European Union Notice
Radio products with the CE 0560 or CE alert marking comply
with the R&TTE Directive (1995/5/EC) issued by the
Commission of the European Community.
Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European
Norms (in brackets are the equivalent international standards).
EN 60950 (IEC60950) – Product Safety
EN 300 328 Technical requirement for radio equipment
ETS 300 826 General EMC requirements for radio equipment.
To determine the type of transmitter, check the identification label on your
Belkin product.
Products with the CE marking comply with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC)
and the Low Voltage Directive (72/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the
European Community. Compliance with these directives implies conformity
to the following European Norms (in brackets are the equivalent international
EN 55022 (CISPR 22) – Electromagnetic Interference
EN 55024 (IEC61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11) – Electromagnetic Immunity
EN 61000-3-2 (IEC610000-3-2) – Power Line Harmonics
EN 61000-3-3 (IEC610000) – Power Line Flicker
EN 60950 (IEC60950) – Product Safety
Products that contain the radio transmitter are labeled with CE 0560 or CE
alert marking and may also carry the CE logo.
Network Adapter
Belkin Tech Support
US: 877.736.5771
310.898.1100 ext. 2263
Europe: 00 800 223 55 460
Australia: 1800 666 040
Belkin, Ltd.
7 Bowen Crescent • West Gosford
NSW 2250 • Australia
Tel: +61 (0) 2 4372 8600
Fax: +61 (0) 2 4372 8603
Belkin Corporation
Belkin Components B.V.
501 West Walnut Street
Compton • CA • 90220 • USA
Tel: 310.898.1100
Starparc Building • Boeing Avenue 333
1119 PH Schiphol-Rijk • The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 20 654 7300
Fax: 310.898.1111
Fax: +31 (0) 20 654 7349
Belkin Components, Ltd.
Express Business Park • Shipton Way
Rushden • NN10 6GL • United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1933 35 2000
Fax: +44 (0) 1933 31 2000
© 2004 Belkin Corporation. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of
respective manufacturers listed.
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